Leader in providing quality services to aged care facilities
Services: Electronic Medication Management Solutions
Chemist Connect works closely with all the largest providers of electronic medication management systems and solutions. These systems are designed to create a paperless and digital system for nurses, doctors, pharmacists and other health professionals to work closely together to chart, administer and dispense medications safely and efficiently.
These electronic systems allow the aged care facility to place their orders and requests electronically and send/receive messages to pharmacy electronically without the need for Fax and Email. This keeps a log of all communication between both parties and ensures all information is relayed successfully. This will reduce the number of duplicate orders whereby the nurses can view and be alerted when another staff has recently ordered the medication.
With the electronic charting module you can have peace of mind that all changes made by the prescribers is relayed through to pharmacy and is immediately available on the nurse’s medication rounds for administration. Prescribers can verify and review charts remotely avoiding the need for any telephone orders. These electronic systems remove any transcribing errors and allow nurses to view and read the medication charts easily without the need to decipher prescriber’s handwriting.
An email is generated and sent to all clinical staff each time a change is made by a prescriber on the medication charts ensuring staff are aware of what has been reviewed without needing to check each chart individually.